Have you ever left clothing in a washing machine a bit too long? Oh, yes you have. We all have! Even just 45 minutes after you forgot that stack of towels in your washing machine they start to get a bit ... .well, let's say... musty smelling. You know right there that you have to now rewash the load and hope that you do not forget about it this time.
Now, your shower is no different. Actually, showers can withstand mildew and mold much better than people give them credit for. Regardless if one person showers or five people shower, that shower is wet and damp all day long. But, unlike your washing machine, your shower should last for the next 30 years and you want that shower to look its best for as long as it can!
If you have been reading the Groutastic Blog about mold, mildew and maintenance and following the simple guides (which many of you have), Groutastic has laid out the ways to keep your shower looking amazing for the next 30 years. You caulk your shower about every two years to help prevent leaking in your shower. But now you want tips on after shower drying and maintenance and what should be done when that shower control is shut off and you are walking out of that tub or shower area.
Look, you have been simplifying your tub and shower maintenance but there are ways to make things even better for you and your family: to reduce the amount of water and moisture that tends to linger in that shower area all day. If you can reduce the moisture left over in your shower you will also lower your risk of mold and mildew growing.
The moisture and how quickly your shower dries out will depend on a few factors such as how your tub and shower is built? Does your tub have a glass enclosure? Or does your tub have a curtain and curtain rod? Does your stand up shower have a sliding door or a glass shower door on a hinge? How much space does your glass shower enclosure have between the top and the ceiling? Does your bathroom have any airflow to help dry the shower?
Use a squeegee on the walls: After you shut the shower water control off take a minute to let gravity take the water on the shower walls and enclosure down to the drain. You can help this with a shower squeegee. Taking about 20 seconds you can use that squeegee to remove the water off the walls.
Start on the top of the walls and work the squeegee down to the base. This removal of the water will help a lot with drying out the shower.
Glass Shower Enclosure: After you are done with the shower, keep that shower door open. And keep it open all day! If you have a sliding shower door, keep it open. If you have a shower door? Keep it open all day! Never close it!
Shower enclosure blocks a lot of the airflow into your shower and stops the drying process . When you keep that door open that allows a lot more area for air to come in and help dry that shower .
Bathroom Vent Fan: Bathroom vent fans are normally placed at the highest point in your bathroom. They do help a bit with removing moisture depending on their placement.
They are not blowing air into your bathroom but rather removing the air mainly to remove odors but they also help with moisture. But this is not drying your shower like we would want to believe.
That being said, we recommend keeping that vent fan on for a minimum of 45 minutes. And there would be nothing wrong keeping it on for many more hours to help. You can also have your electrician replace your vent fan switch with a timer
Window and Door open: Airflow is the way you dry your bathroom and shower, just like your clothes dryer?
Many people close their doors after the shower. This locks in all that moisture for hours. Cracking open your bathroom window(If you have) and keeping the main bathroom door open all the way will help to create more airflow in your bathroom which will help dry it out.
Placing a fan in the bathroom: Sometimes people give us a strange look after this recommendation. Yes, We recommend this all the time .
Placing a floor fan in your bathroom anywhere will circulate the air in that room. A box fan or any fan blowing will increase the airflow which helps whisk away the moisture. It would be better, but not necessary, to point that fan into your shower area, right into that open door we talked about earlier.
Another Fan we recommend is a clip on rechargeable fan. It would be better but not necessary to point that fan into your shower area, right into that open door we talked about earlier.
Just like your clothes dryer this will make a dramatic difference in how quickly everything dries out.
These five tips on after shower drying and maintenance can be the difference between the amount of maintenance needed in your shower, mold that will form, longevity of your shower and the health of your bathroom
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